When the college invites you to their degree program, you will receive an email invitation with a link to a page where you must fill out the following information to be verified.
Follow this simple guide to navigate through the registration process when you receive an invitation from a college to apply for a degree:
Step 1: Check Your Email
- Once you apply for a degree or a college invites you, you will receive two emails: one from Woolf University and one from Canvas.
- Ensure you check both your main inbox and spam/junk folders in case the emails are routed there.
Step 2: Register with Canvas
- Open the email from Canvas.
- You should see a message indicating that you've been registered for a Canvas account at Woolf University.
- Click on the link provided labeled "Click here to finish the registration process."
- Follow the prompts to set up your Canvas account, which includes creating a password.
- Once completed, you'll be able to log in and start using Canvas, where you can access course materials, submit assignments, and more.
Step 3: Start the Degree Application Process with Woolf University
- Open the email from Woolf University.
- You will find a message inviting you to apply for a degree.
- Click on button "Start application" to initiate the degree application process.
- Fill out the necessary details, submit any required documents, and follow the prompts until your application is complete.