Once students have completed all the necessary requirements for their degree program, colleges must submit their records for approval through the Woolf Academic Management System (AMS). This process ensures that students are ready for graduation and that all necessary actions are taken to finalize their academic status. Read Reviewing Degree Progress for more details.
Graduation Submission Steps
Once the submission is made, a record of the submission will be logged under each student’s Activity History. This record will note the details of the submission and the name of the person who submitted the student, ensuring accountability. The student’s status will then change from “Active” to “Submitted.”
What to Expect After Submitting a Student for Graduation
Once a student is submitted for graduation, the Woolf Academic team reviews the submission and take appropriate action within 10 business days. The outcome could be one of the following:
Graduation Approval: If the student meets all graduation requirements, their status will be updated to “Completed,” and the student will be processed for graduation. The student will receive an email notification with their certificates attached.
Request for Additional Information: If the review team requires additional details or clarification, Woolf will contact the designated college representative to obtain the necessary information.
Expedited Review in Urgent Cases
If you need to expedite the graduation review for a student due to extenuating circumstances, please contact the Registrar's Office directly at registrar@woolf.university. Ensure that you include the student’s name, email address, and a detailed explanation of the urgency.